To manage risk throughout our portfolio, we carefully examine all potential stress sources and scenarios. Our emphasis on comprehending economic and political event risks enables us to recognize and manage tail exposures to ensure that risk and reward are appropriately balanced. By placing a strong emphasis on sector allocation, we can balance risk across all investable sectors and handle market volatility with ease, generating profits for our investors.
We employ a variety of techniques to keep track of the portfolio's liquidity, including the anticipated cost and timeframe for liquidating any or all of the positions. We make sure that the firm's positions don't become too concentrated to cross liquidity thresholds, especially in more liquid asset classes like listed shares and government bonds. We estimate liquidity scenarios during times of market stress in addition to monitoring the liquidity levels in the current market.
To manage the risk associated with the security portfolio, the risk team works in conjunction with the repo and portfolio finance teams. In order to provide an adequate amount of capital in both common and challenging market conditions, we closely monitor cash reserve levels. To ensure efficient use of this resource, the margin usage of each trade is taken into account throughout our portfolio optimization process..